Enjoyed watching life of pi or Spiderman series!! But ever wondered about the history of computer graphics? Check this out.
Soon around 1940s and 50s people started experimenting in computer graphics, like John Whitney—but it was only by the early 1960s when digital computers had become widely established, that new avenues for innovative computer graphics blossomed. People initially started using them mainly for scientific, engineering and other research purposes, but artistic experimentation began to make its appearance by the mid-1960s. By the mid-'70s, plenty of such efforts were beginning to enter into public media. In those days computer graphics involved 2D imaginary, though increasingly, with the I'm impoverishment of computer power , efforts to achieve 3-dimensional realism became the emphasis. By the late 1980s, photo-realistic 3D was beginning to appear in cinema movies, and by mid-'90s had developed to the point where 3D animation could be used for entire feature film production.
There were quite a few steps taken in the direction of using graphics for developing game. In 1961, Ivan Sutherland a student of MIT created computer drawing program known as Sketchpad. This could solve some of the basic graphic problems of that period. It allowed the creation of simple shapes on the computer screen, save them and view them later.
In 1963, E. E. Zajac, the scientist at Bell telephony laboratory made a film ‘Simulation of a two-giro gravity audio control system’ using graphics.
As the interest in making images with computers bloomed, computer graphics made the move from the lab to full scale production in 1970’s. In 1970’s, graphics were used extensively in movies. Although the graphics were slow and not that enticing, still it marked the evolution of computer graphics.
The use of computer graphics further got everything emphasized by the movie Tron in 1982. It used four major production companies to come up with a 20 minute of full 3D graphics. Though the movie couldn't attract many viewers, but it left an impact on the movie makers with the potential of graphics in the industry.
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